Trail run event 28 and 29 March 2020.
Contact: Justin
076 038 4476
The Barletta Trail Challenge is the new addition to the 3 Mountains and the 2nd run in the ETR.RUN series and is hosted at an exciting new venue on the farm Barletta between Clocolan and Excelsior.
A festive night run of 5km will take place on Friday 27 March at the Clocolan Showgrounds with a well marked trail around the golf course! Come and enjoy something to eat and drink at the Festival after the run! Both walkers and runners are welcome!
The main event will take place at the farm Barletta approximitly 20km from Clocolan. All details regarding the event and online entries as well as accomodation options and directions are available on the website:
Come and enjoy the beauty of the Eastern Free State in autumn. Come and and be part of our living museum.
10 km run 5 km run 1 km run